Personal: Clear Cold Skies

My one and only original composition. When I played it, it was a surreal experience. It felt like my hands were taken over by a spirit glowing with warmth. I had the chord progression written out beforehand, but I ended up free styling my own song. On the fly, I came up with the strumming pattern, and even some variations of the chord progression that I hadn’t tested beforehand. I was going completely by intuition and just went with it.

The song itself is a metaphor to the journey of life. It starts off really repetitive and melancholy, and It struggles to crawl itself out of the mud of life. But then there’s that progression, each time you get up you fall, but each time you fall you get back up. And it gets a little better each time, until finally, you’re where you want to be in life.

This is the first take.